Monday, January 03, 2005

Well, here is it . . .

I broke my engagement with Yoni and ended the relationship. Like any break up, I went back and forth the first few days. But now, right now, I can really say it is over. I took down all the photos, recalled the wedding invitations, and updated cyberspace. If you are expecting all the juicy details, you won't find them here. Even now, I find it very difficult to write this. Discussing all the details of a very private matter would serve no purpose. All I have to say is that after four years, it was time for me to move on. It wasn't something I took lightly. It wasn't easy and it continues to be a difficult thing for me. If you have been a part of my life at all recently, you know it was a slow process of re-evaluating the relationship and how I felt in it. I had to face all the things I didn't want to see. In the end, it was something I had to do. We were engaged for two years, and it is hard when you have planned for so long to spend the rest of your life with someone. Often, the comfort of a long-term relationship can be mistaken for happiness. People change and love is not always enough to bridge the gap. Fortunately, I have had such incredible support from family and friends. As time passes, I better know that I made the right decision. A different future lies ahead of me now. I am free to explore options that I never would have considered. I think that is exciting. Life is about learning. I learned a lot in the relationship and I know I am a stronger person because of it. But now it is time for me to move on.

Heads Turned for: "Well, here is it . . . "


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