I am not concerned with fashion. I am more concerned with what is inside. Right now, I am trying to figure out this thing called life. I am re-evaluating everything. I'm learning what is important to me and what is not. I am learning which relationships are vital and those I can do without. Some lessons have been hard to learn, but that's life. Life is about learning. I am here to blog the trials and triumphs that are my life. Just my thoughts, feelings, and an occasional picture or two. Feel free to comment.
Words to blog by:
"This journal is a relief. When I am tired . . . out comes this, and down goes every thing. But I can't read it over -- and God knows what contradictions it may contain. If I am sincere with myself . . . every page should confute, refute, and utterly abjure its predecessor."
-George Gordon Noel Byron
This site is full of random crap about me and my life. I write what I want, when I want. If you like erratic and random, you've come to the right place.
About Me
Perry Hall, Maryland, United States
You can't put me into any box; I won't fit. I stopped caring what people think years ago and I like me more now...
My dog is pissing me off. I just took him for a long walk out in the freezing cold. He took care of business. Then, like ten minutes later, he is whining at the door again! Hello? It is after midnight, you just went out! Grrrr. If I get all bundled up and go back out there, there better be a good reason! I hate winter . . .
Heads Turned for: "Ok"