Friday, February 18, 2005

Did I miss something?

Just days after I ended our engagement,
I still wanted to try to make it work . . .
XXxxxxx: tell me what u want me to do?
bReA7mD: I am not asking for blood - i am just asking that you include me in your life and make me a priority not 4th 5th and 6th place
bReA7mD: do you see at all what i am trying to show you?

XXxxxxx: yes but its too late now
bReA7mD: well thank you for saying that - b/c all along all i heard was "stop attacking me" - i am not trying to attack you i am trying to show you why we are drifting apart - the things that you do that hurt me
bReA7mD: it may be different situations - but it is the same mistake everytime and you always explain it away and don't understand that by not calling me or telling me things it makes me feel like you don’t care - and you may care very much - but i am telling you what i need
XXxxxxx: i don’t know how to react to that.
XXxxxxx: i am not sure if i used the right words

bReA7mD: react to what i just said?
XXxxxxx: yeah and to what i did
bReA7mD: do you understand that just b/c something is not important to you it doesn't mean that it is not to me?
XXxxxxx: I understand that.
bReA7mD: don't you understand that i want you to share these things with me and it hurts me when you don't?
XXxxxxx: but i don’t understand why i did what i did.
bReA7mD: b/c you were doing what you need instead of thinking about how i might feel - if the tables were reversed - you probably wouldn't care if i didn't call or didn't tell you things
bReA7mD: but i am not you - i have different needs - i need to hear things
XXxxxxx: i understand.
bReA7mD: and when you don't share your thoughts and feeling i feel hurt and disconnected and it makes me lose feelings for you
XXxxxxx: i understand it now
bReA7mD: I love you Xxxx and I want to spend my life with you - but i can't keep telling you how to make me feel important in your life - i can't force you to see those things, it's either you do or you don't
bReA7mD: know what i mean?
XXxxxxx: yeah i do.
XXxxxxx: yes i do understand what you mean
bReA7mD: ok i'm glad you understand now
XXxxxxx: yeah now that its too late.
XXxxxxx: i feel like a dumbass

A month later, this is how a four year relationship ended . . .
XXxxxxx: i called you last night
XXxxxxx: twice

bReA7mD: oh
XXxxxxx: you didn't see?
bReA7mD: yeah i did
XXxxxxx: oh
XXxxxxx: just didn't feel like calling back?

bReA7mD: you and i are not going to work as friends or otherwise - there r things about me that r such a huge part of who i am and you can't understand them - i need people in my life who appreciate who i am and r accepting of who i am
bReA7mD: i'm not interested in any more shallow conversations

XXxxxxx: ok bye bye
bReA7mD: bye

Feel the love.

Heads Turned for: "Did I miss something?"


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