Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My life

I considered titling this entry with a vulgar word - I chickened out. I tried to post on Friday - you see how well that went. I was trying to write about the happenings of the week and tell the tales behind the 2 photos I posted. I guess those tales will never be told because I don’t feel like typing it over again.

“F” is for friends.
I haven’t heard from a friend in over a week. That in its self is nothing new - I am so used to my friends falling off the face of the Earth once they are dating someone, only to magically reappear after a break-up. This time it is different. A friend of mine decided to leave her husband and move to Florida to start a new life. She landed a great job, got herself a nice apartment, ect. I was so proud of her for finally leaving what was an incredibly unhealthy relationship. To send her off, I planned a dinner/dance party of several of her close friends. It never happened. The day of, her husband went psycho on her. No one has heard from her since. In fact, I was the last one to talk to her. She called me crying and I begged her not to stay the night in their apartment and to call me later to let me know she was safe. She never called. She has no phone, no cell, and isn't responding to e-mail. I'm sure she's fine, just busy, right?

This weekend was another friend’s birthday:

Good times :) Posted by Picasa
“U” is for upside down.
Not the fun upside down like on a roller coaster, I’m talking about a whole different upside down. You know when you have had too much to drink, you lay down, close your eyes, and the room starts spinning? Okay. Now imagine lying on your back with your head hanging off the bed and opening your eyes. Not a good picture is it? That is the upside down I’m talking about. It is really late and I am tired, so I’m not going to get in to it right now - but that is the way my life feels.

“C” is for concerts.

Friday night was the concert of my favorite music artist: Ani DiFranco. I went with Debbie and Stephanie:

It sucked. I was so disappointed. I can think of a million other ways I would have liked to have spent that money and time. A day of my life I will NEVER get back. Let me explain: 1. The concert was way too mellow. Granted the tone of Ani’s new CD is very mellow, I thought for sure she would spice it up a bit. I’d never seen her live in concert before but had seen a video, she was awesome. I was better off with the video. 90% of the concert was spent sitting in my seat watching her play. For a much cheaper ticket and a lot less effort, I could have gone to see the symphony or something. I’m going to stick to buying her CDs – I could have bought three or more for what it cost me to attend that concert! I don't like Ani any less - I'll just enjoy her from the comfort of my own home from now on. 2. A pack of raging hormones sitting directly in front of us. “Are you kidding me?” “You have GOT to be kidding me!!!” I must have said those phrases a million times. There were five or six teenage boys at the concert sitting in front of us. They attended the concert to try to pick up girls. They talked loudly through the entire concert, cheered like they were at an Eminem concert, hopped from seat to seat trying to talk to girls and the list of irritating behavior goes on. Clearly not very bright boys - the type of girl who listens to Ani is not the type of girl likely to fall for that shit! If I had strangled them, would anyone have blamed me? 3. After a shitty week on the homefront, I was looking forward to getting away and having a good time. Well dinner was spent recounting anything wrong my ex had ever done in front of my friend. Not sure what it was intended to accomplish but it left me feeling stupid for spending 5 years with him. Great way to start the evening.

On the bright side, Sunday concerts were great. Yes, concerts. This weekend was Artscape and Ed (the guy I met at the bar weeks back) and I attended as many music performances as we could catch. The last performance was the best. It was an eclectic band with incredible energy. The group was called Ozomatli. The energy transferred to the crowd. The best part WAS the crowd. It was the type of people that don’t care what others think and aren't afraid to be different. I felt so comfortable. After living back in Bel Air for so many months, I almost forgot what it was like to be away from the “cookie cutter”. Let me tell you, I felt right at home and danced my little butt off the entire performance– it was great. To conclude the concert, the band joined the crowd playing their instruments without mics or other equipment.

Talk about energy!! Posted by Picasa

Ed treated me to breakfast at a local diner afterwards. Anyone that knows me, knows how crazy I am about breakfast food. Can we say heaven? I think we can. It was such a great way to conclude the weekend.

“K” is for kiss.

I’ve been kissing someone new for a month now. Now that I am dating someone new, I see all the dysfunction of my last relationship. But even more so, I see all the things that were really good. I never questioned my ex’s intentions or feelings for me. He said he loved me the first day he laid eyes on me. I know he did. I know he still does. He would never betray my trust. The fact is, we loved one another but we were just not right for one another. We were two great individuals that made a terrible couple. It is hard kissing someone new without any security or direction. For the first time in over five years, I don’t know where he is or what he is doing - I hope he’s happy.

Okay – it is WAY past my bedtime. Nite.

Smiley for the Day:

Heads Turned for: "My life"


Blogger Jeni Angel said ... (10:55 AM) : 

"It is hard kissing someone new without any security or direction."

Very, very true. But it's also a little exciting, right? Fun and new? If it isn't, it should be. . .


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:49 PM) : 

I love your blog!


Blogger Brea said ... (12:41 AM) : 

Jeni Angel:
I wouldn't say exciting but it has definitely been fun. I guess now I'm too busy trying to keep myself from getting hurt to really enjoy it ;(

Why thank you!


Blogger Friar Tuck said ... (4:28 PM) : 

Sounds like a normal everyday week with all the ups and downs.

Dont try too hard to keep from getting hurt, or you will find you are holding on to the hurt and not opening up to healing. But, make sure you have learned your lessons and set new standards and benchmarks for the people you are going to date.

Anyway....enough advice from me.


Blogger Brea said ... (12:19 AM) : 

Don Juan de Bubba:
I like your advice :)


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