Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I have a dating question for the blog world.....

This has been the topic of debate between my friends and I.....

Do people date anymore?

Is it necessary to ask someone explicitly to be exclusive (to be a bf/gf)?

Is there an understanding that comes from spending a certain amount of time and energy on another person?

What if sex is thrown into the equation? Does sex in of itself mean anything? What if it is coupled with quality time, phone calls, thoughtful gestures, ect.? Is it understood this is a relationship? What is the understanding? Is there one at all?

What is your opinion on dating and relationships? How does it work in this day and age?

Heads Turned for: "Help?"


Blogger Jeni Angel said ... (5:17 PM) : 

Yes. Yes, you must ask the whole "where is this going?" or "are we exclusive".

My brother dates a lot of girls, but he makes no qualms about the fact that they are one of many. However, there are a few that he really likes and if they would just sit down and ask-well they would ahve a good boyfriend.

Nothing is ever implied.


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:15 PM) : 

Dating all depends on the intention of the parties involved. It can be purely just sexual encounters or the cultivation of a life long partnership of love and understanding.


Blogger Rose said ... (1:01 AM) : 

I have no opinions on this...I've been married to long to know.


Blogger Stephen A. Bess said ... (10:41 AM) : 

Well, I turned in my card last year. People in my age group (30-45) are still dating. They are very upfront about what they want (The women are). Men are ususally either interested in you or just sex. This makes it difficult for most men to be honest with a woman because they feel that honesty will botch the chances for sex. So, the games continue.
A sincere man will look you directly in the eye and tell you exactly how he feels because he doesn't want to lose you. Happy Holidays!


Blogger Friar Tuck said ... (4:37 PM) : 

I guess even in this day and age I am all about healthy communication and boundaries. Although, at times it is not that fun.


Blogger princessdominique said ... (5:57 PM) : 

Personally I'd want clarity. So many people use the term "just kickin' it" and I wouldn't want to misunderstand or assume that just because I'm enjoying our time together that he is exclusively enjoying mine as well.


Blogger Deb Sistrunk Nelson said ... (1:40 AM) : 

I wouldn't dare offer advice. But I did stop by to wish you a joyous Christmas!!


Blogger crallspace said ... (8:55 PM) : 

It all depends on how the other person sees the situation. Ask, "Are we exclusive?" and you'll have you're answer.

Being married, I don't date anymore. Occasionally we go out to eat. ;-)

Merry Christmas!


Blogger crallspace said ... (8:56 PM) : 

I don't know what is wrong with me.. I know it's not spelled "you're." I meant, YOUR.

I've done that a few times with the word "THEIR" as well when I meant "THERE."



Blogger Jessica said ... (10:12 AM) : 

I told you to stop worrying! He likes you!!! Congrats on the new boyfriend, can't wait to meet him!!


Blogger Edz said ... (12:09 PM) : 

Happy New Year... Be happy in 2007. And enjoy dating your new bf. Just take it one day at a time. One day...


Blogger Chinonye O. aka SincereCaramel said ... (1:33 AM) : 

Yep the whole "go with the flow" thing is a bunch of crap. I'm sure you don't want to ask "where is this going all early, but it must be said. Especially if you deal with guys that like to play you in the "loop hole". SinC will not look like boo-boo the fool in 07. Trust me.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:26 PM) : 

I am someone who prefers things to be open and known (partly because I am not good at all those reading-between-the-lines kinda things), so yes, I do believe that having the chance to find out whether the relationship is going to be exclusive or not should take place. Otherwise, there would be chances for unnecessary misunderstanding when things are left unspoken.

Even though it was more than 5 years ago (6 in a few months), I was asked exclusively to be Alex's girlfriend. There was an actual question asked and there was an actual 'Yes' said on my part. I believe it just sets things on the table and there are no burdens of not knowing where things are going and what not. I also believe that asking is also a display of trust, which is essential to a relationship. I have a friend who doesn't want to ask the guy she is dating whether or not they are exclusive because she is afraid that he might say something she doesn't want to hear, and I couldn't see why she was afraid, other than seeing that they could not establish the trust in the relationship. I have been trying to coax her, but she is too stubborn, so I guess there is nothing I can do.

As for sex.. I think sex is part of the package, not a milestone, and it should be agreed upon and understood between both parties. It shouldn't be something that someone 'owes' someone else.

I guess I have rambled enough! Long time no see, Brea, but I am loving the updates and the topics you are bringing up!


Blogger AsianSmiles said ... (9:05 PM) : 

BB! Good to see you again! I had been out of the blogworld for a while. I wasn't too sure if you were back either, that's why I'm so glad you stopped by my new page.

I couldn't answer your dating questions because I myself is as confused as ever in this category! LOL. Just be careful girl, and be wise!


Blogger AsianSmiles said ... (9:06 PM) : 

BB! Good to see you again! I had been out of the blogworld for a while. I wasn't too sure if you were back either, that's why I'm so glad you stopped by my new page.

I couldn't answer your dating questions because I myself is as confused as ever in this category! LOL. Just be careful girl, and be wise!


Blogger Sangindiva said ... (8:21 PM) : 

I am soooo not the right person to answer this...
I have a horrible track record when it comes to


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