Monday, July 10, 2006

If it wasn't for bad luck...

I lost my camera ;( I'll return when I start breathing again. **sigh**

Heads Turned for: "If it wasn't for bad luck..."


Blogger Scott said ... (1:13 PM) : 

Oh no! How could this happen? There must be someone responsible for this!

I hope that you are surviving.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:37 PM) : 

I actually got the same question as Scott...that is really bad luck. Maybe some honest person will return it :(


Blogger Jeni Angel said ... (5:50 PM) : 

Wow. I remember it like yesterday when I lost my new camera.

The pain is bad.

No chance of getting it back?


Blogger princessdominique said ... (5:53 PM) : 

I'm sorry to hear that Brea. I hope it turns up.


Blogger Rose said ... (11:09 PM) : 

Oh darn! I hope you find it...


Blogger Stephen A. Bess said ... (4:01 PM) : 

I know that I would cry. I'm sorry. :(


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:42 PM) : 

I'm so sorry to hear about the camera! Hang in there!!


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:02 PM) : 

Damn, I feel your pain!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:00 AM) : 

oh my... what happen? i'm sorry...


Blogger Johnnie Avocado said ... (10:59 AM) : 

Sorry....that sucks...


Blogger Sangindiva said ... (11:55 PM) : 

I know how you feel...
mine broke on me -
and yours was new too!!!
Sorry this happened to you.


Blogger The Sarccastik Variable Why said ... (10:04 AM) : 

i'm sorry....did you lose your camera in CO?....was it a good camera? long did you have it?...i know that's a lot of damn questions...hope you find it..


Blogger Drea Inspired said ... (10:33 PM) : 

Awww. I'm sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:23 PM) : 

That just sucks. I hope you find it soon!


Blogger Didi Roby said ... (2:49 PM) : 

awwwwww. dang it!


Blogger Miz JJ said ... (4:22 PM) : 

That would make me cry. I hope it turns up somewhere.


Blogger brooklyn babe said ... (9:25 PM) : 

(Handing you banding and feeling for a pulse...)
Are you breathing yet????
Now you can spurge and upgrade, you have a good reason.
Stop pouting and get clicking... pitty puh-weeze?


Bk Babe


Blogger Waddie G. said ... (3:20 PM) : 

some blogger stole it...


Blogger Unknown said ... (12:32 PM) : 

The camera curse has got me too! My camera fell into the sea water while i was on the beach! All ruined! :(


Blogger No_the_game said ... (10:01 PM) : 


I missed you. I came to check on you and here the bad news. I lost a brand new camera 1998 in SF and still think about it. I am sorry sweety you lost your camera.

Are you OK now?


Blogger princessdominique said ... (6:09 PM) : 

Hey Brea come back please!


Blogger nosthegametoo said ... (7:40 PM) : 

Sorry to hear that you've lost your camera.

Your fans await your return.


Blogger Nella said ... (3:23 AM) : 

Hey you! where have ya been its been a long time, hope u are okay


Blogger Friar Tuck said ... (1:25 AM) : 

miss ya


Blogger Hasan Mubarak said ... (3:24 PM) : 

Hey Brea! I returned to hear this bad news. I'm so sorry for you! I hope you find it as soon as possible.

Someone told me to say this whenever you loose something; "Inna lillah-e-wa inna illaihe rajioon". Try it, maybe it works in your case.

btw, thank you so much for your best wishes. I've been quite busy with laziness, however for now, I'm back.

and yeah you've got a really cool new template!

Hope to see ya soon!


Blogger Bougie Black Boy said ... (7:13 PM) : 

where've you been hiding? Come back


Blogger princessdominique said ... (12:52 PM) : 

we're waiting for more travel stories and updates on the pooch!


Blogger Drea Inspired said ... (8:38 PM) : 

awwwwwwwww. i thought you were back. how's it going, lady?


Blogger Cherise said ... (1:49 PM) : 

how r u, miss brea???


Blogger brooklyn babe said ... (12:59 PM) : 

"Driving Dirty..."
this is a blog-by to say HI!

bK bABe


Blogger Hasan Mubarak said ... (5:24 AM) : 

I was so nice that you turned out and wished me... Thank you soo much! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:57 AM) : 

Wlcome Brea.


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