First the alarm goes off but you didn't hear it - and if you did, you certainly don't remember it. Then you wake up like a lightning bolt - an hour later than you needed to. A beautiful start to a beautiful day. Never made my class this morning. Wonderful. Missing a day of a summer course is like missing three or four days of a regular semester. Lovely. All wasn't lost, I needed the extra sleep. Why? Because of selfish people. A girl at work needed someone to fill in for her for part of her shift last night. I said I would - she doesn't show up at work until 11:30pm!!! I was so pissed, I didn't even speak to her. Do people think the world revolves around them or do they just not care? Here I am doing YOU a favor and you show up late?!!! REALLY LATE!! I couldn't believe it - I hardly even know this girl! Grrrrr. . . When I finally crawled out of bed - it was rainy and gloomy again. Lovely. I ate breakfast, checked e-mail and then got in the shower. You'd think I'd AT LEAST be able to enjoy my shower. Nope! I get in, turn it as hot as I can stand and soap up. Then the water shuts off. OFF!!! What the hell? Turns out the water heater needed to be repaired and no one bothered to tell me. Turns out we wouldn't have water for two hours in the middle of the day. Just in time for MY shower! Now I am covered in soap remind you; the shampoo is dripping in my eyes. So to make a long, sad story short - I ended up rinsing off with freezing cold bottled water. I'm sure as I sit here and type this, there is a soap film covering my body b/c I could only stand so much. After recovering from the hypothermia - I got dressed and headed to school for a meeting. Got stuck behind farm equipment half the way. Great. Thanks to my race car driving skills and the open back roads, I managed to make my meeting on time. Now I'm at the library blogging before my class at 4pm. I am scared to find out what the rest of the day will hold. Needless to say, I'm going to bed early tonight. Smiley for the Day: ![]() |
Heads Turned for: ":0/"
Sounds like a difficult day.
Alexander's terrible, horrible, very bad, no good day.
I love that book!