So, the crowd in Annapolis sucked! I definitely won't be back. There are so many snooty . . . how should i put this . . . BITCHES! (If you can't think of something nice to say, it probably needs to be said. So, just say it! That's my motto.) My friends and I should have worn a sign saying: "Hey, we're just out to have fun, we don't want your man." I hate girls. It was subtle hostility but I still found it to be very irritating. I guess some girls find a group of friends out having a good time threatening. Who knew? NEway . . . It's been a long time since I've gone out at the bars down there and the crowd has completely changed. Not for the better :0( As always there were plenty of midshipmen, but they were young. Talk about disappointment. And like in every other bar or club there was: The token drunk guy. You know, the one that tries to dance with you but has a hard time even walking. Ummm, no. The group of guys who keep popping up all night even after repeated rejection. Listen, I wasn't interested the first time or the second time and nothing has changed in the last hour. In fact, now that I've tried telling you nicely, and have already just walked away, I'm about to get ugly. The guy that tries to rub his 'thing' on you. I think the next time that happens, I'll just turn around and kick the shit out of him. Seriously, what the *%@&!!! Listen, I don't need a bruise on my backside from your 'member'. Haven't you heard of a lotion bottle? The sweaty guy. Okay, after observing the dripping sweat, I know you are having a good time. That's great. Do your thing - without me. I'm sorry but I just don't like having sweaty people touch me; it makes my stomach turn. It's nothing personal but I just won't dance with you. Sorry. The grabber. The guy that just grabs you by the arm as you walk by. Excuse me, but I am not a rag doll and NOBODY grabs me. EVER. In fact, you are lucky I'm not out with my boys or any member of my family - you'd get your ass kicked. The guy with no rhythm. Whatsoever. And the fact that he is trying to dance with you, is throwing you off. You're killing my buzz. Just stand up against the wall and try to look cool like the dudes over there. Which brings me to . . . The dudes who stand against the wall all night. Well, except to go to the bar, the bathroom, or move to a new wall. (Actually, I'm not sure about this one. I think they just nurse the same drink all night. I don't think I've ever actually seen one of them at the bar. Hmmm, something to ponder.) There is often a grabber among them. Let's see, you don't look like any fun and you just grabbed me. And I'm going to talk to you why?? Come on people, let's use some common sense. The eyeballs. I hate when guys are so obvious they practically break their necks checking you out. You can just feel the eyeballs follow you as you walk by. I guess what irritates me most is, when guys do this but don't even try to talk to you. I don't get it. I'm not just some pretty girl. I have a name. I talk. Try asking my name, try talking. Your eyeballs aren't gonna get you anywhere. The guys that use whack lines. It's kinda funny, I read a post on Ink Blotter the other day about this. The author summed it up better than I ever could. You should read it - hilarious. But yeah, just stop it.
I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones that irritate me most. And they were all there in Annapolis. Missing were all the people who could hold an interesting conversation, dance in a respectful manner, had some sort of game, or were at least nice. I wasn't about to let stupid people ruin my night: male or female. So, I did what any fun loving person would do: I had fun anyway. I took more pictures that night than I ever have out. (I was secretly hoping the constant flashing was pissing people off. I was too busy having fun to really notice. But I'll just imagine it worked - it makes me happy.) I have selected the pictures in which I don't look totally wasted . . . that narrowed things down to the moderately wasted. Enjoy.

We weren't waiting around for everyone to get ready . . . Erin and I got the party started before even leaving the apartment! 
 Left to right: Niel's head - Jess' hand - Jess - Me - Erin. Got that? 
 There is the rest of Neil on the left and Avi on the right. They are both such sweethearts! *muah* :0) 
That's all you get. Anyway, mission accomplished. Had fun, completely forgot last week. Moving on. Smiley for the Day: |
Heads Turned for: "Had fun anyway!"
Thanx! I try to have fun wherever I go . . . Thanks for your "psst" post - I hope that reaches at least one.
Girl, I have run into many of those guys. I'm over here cracking up! Glad you had fun anyway.