Monday, August 29, 2005

Much Needed

I've been pretty low energy for a few weeks now. I’m used to having my weeks packed with various activities. More recently, it has been mostly work and no play. This weekend started out no different.

Friday: I spent the majority of the day moving my brother into his dorm. That evening, I went into work and didn't finish inventory until nearly 11pm. Knowing I had to be back at work 7am the next morning, nothing was getting between me and my pillow.

Saturday: I went to work, went shopping, and blew off plans with friends. I turned down a night out with the girls, bar hopping in Canton!!! **sigh** My brother called me 15 times throughout the day asking if I was coming to visit. Knowing I'm WAAAAY past the days of college keg parties - I agreed to be the designated driver and pick him and his friends up from a party at 2am. So at 1am I rolled out of bed to go pick them up. I wish I could say that I went to bed at that point. But no, I didn’t. Let’s just say before the night was over: I took shots of cheap vodka chased with fruit punch soda, walked an hour in a torrential downpour, stood outside a campus library like a police line-up with eight freshman college boys watching the afore mentioned downpour, was laughed at by campus police, ate countless ho-hos and ate easy mac with a kitchen spoon. Thank God I have an awesome brother, who slept on the floor so that I could have his bed. There were kids everywhere: one under each desk, one by the door, one by the a/c unit, and two in the middle of the room. I went to bed thinking, “Brea, you are too old for this shit!” But I must say it was a whole lot funnier in the morning. Damn near hilarious actually. I like that I am the “cool sister” and that I got to share in my brother’s first weekend of college partying. I like the fact that he and his friends wanted me to be a part of it. I wouldn’t do it again but I’m glad I was there the first time. I must say, I was really worried that my brother’s leaving for college would leave a void. This weekend was very much needed. I know he is going to be fine and I am going to be fine. He’s growing up, I’m already grown, and we don’t need to see each other every day to remain close. Family is not always what it is cracked up to be, but when it is, it is awesome.

My brother and his roommate eating easy mac with kitchen untensils. Priceless. Posted by Picasa

Sunday: Finished my day on campus: ate horrible cafeteria food with my brother and his friends, re-did Del's twists, and helped him finalize his schedule. Then I started a week dedicated to focusing on areas of my life that need organization and/or decisions. After rolling up my sleeves and digging in, the bar guy called. We talked for over an hour exploring the areas of miscommunication and setting up the boundaries we both need. I'm making progress one thing at a time with less and less weighing on my mind.
Smiley for the Day:

Heads Turned for: "Much Needed"


Blogger Brotha Buck said ... (10:10 AM) : 

Sounds like a fun weekend! Now my baby daughter just started college, too. And good thing shes 900 miles away after you just reminded me about college weekends.

And yes, spammers are messing the blogs up big time.


Blogger Jeni Angel said ... (10:52 AM) : 

Sounds like a lot of fun with your brother!!

Sometimes we all need to do silly things we think we are too old for.


Blogger princessdominique said ... (1:00 PM) : 

It'll probably take you a minute to get back into the groove. Your energy level will increase. Mine is pretty low now too. Too much blogging maybe.


Blogger Rose said ... (9:43 PM) : 

That was great, spending time with your brother and his friends. It was good that you took the time. He'll always appreciate it.


Blogger Didi Roby said ... (12:56 PM) : 

Girl I have felt that way before, but looks like you made the best of it hanging out with your bro.

Congrats baby bro on that college deal!!

Thanks Brea!!:)


Blogger Brea said ... (1:27 PM) : 

Stop by anytime you like. I'll e-mail you in regards to your smiley question.

Brotha Buck:
Partying is good for you ;)

Jeni Angel:
Yup! Thanks.

Princess Dominique:
I wish I could blame it on blogging.

I hope so!

Thanks sweetheart :)


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