Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What is in a name? (Part Two)

Since I have WAY too much time on my hands . . . after posting part one, I researched the meaning of my name:

Origin: from the Irish/Gaelic name Bré­ghe (minor Irish god, member of the Tuatha Dé Danann)
Meaning: honorable & noble; light & lovely; grand; fine & good;

I then looked up the names of people close to me:

Chiquita - family friend
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: "little one"

Deb - childhood friend
Origin: Hebrew (biblical prophetess who wrote a victory song after a battle which is part of the book of Judges)
Meaning: "bee"; "an industrious woman"

Delsin - my brother
Origin: Native American
Meaning: "he is so"

Ed - the bar guy
Origin: Old English
Meaning: "guardian of prosperity"

Ella - my mom
Origin: Old English/German
Meaning: "beautiful fairy woman"

Jacob - my first born son- the one I haven't had yet ;)
Origin: Hebrew (biblical patriarch of the Jewish people)
Meaning: "held by the heel"; "he who supplants"; conqueror

Jessica - friend
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: "God sees"; "God's grace"

Ron - my dad
Origin: Old Norse
Meaning: "ruler's counselor"; mighty; powerful

Stephanie - friend
Origin: Greek
Meaning: crown; garland

Trek - my dog
Origin: Dutch
Meaning: to make a slow or arduous journey; a journey undertaken with a specific objective

Yoni - my ex
Origin: from the Hebrew name Yehonatan (biblical namesake was known for his manliness, generosity, and unselfishness)
Meaning: "God has given"; "gift from God"

This was an interesting exercise and great time waster. I am convinced there is more to a name than just vowels and consonants. If this inspires you to research the origin & meaning of your own name, let me know what you find.
Does it fit you?

Smilies for the Day:

Heads Turned for: "What is in a name? (Part Two)"


Blogger KjerstenGreg said ... (5:35 PM) : 

oh my gosh, I love the name Ella! What a great meaning!!

Hm, I didn't know this about my name: Feminine form of CHRISTIAN. This was the name of a Swedish queen of the 17th century who was interested in the arts and philosophy. She gave up her crown to become a Roman Catholic.


Blogger Brotha Buck said ... (7:06 PM) : 

honorable & noble; light & lovely; grand; fine & good, those qualities fit least they fit your picture and your online personna


Blogger Brotha Buck said ... (7:07 PM) : 

Oh and I have a friend named Chiquitta with a really big ego, I can't wait to tell her what her name means.


Blogger Rose said ... (12:27 AM) : best friend's name is Deborah. We call her Deb-friends for more than 20 years. Deb-childhood friend..thanks for that info.


Blogger Brea said ... (5:48 PM) : 

Glad you found intresting information about the origin of your name!

Brotha Buck:
Thanks :) I'm not a big fan of big egos - perhaps you'll knock that pedal stool down a foot or two ;)

What a coincidence!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:14 PM) : 

Hallo there,

I was looking for the meaning of the term/name YONI in Hebrew ... and thanks to you I found it!

I wonder, however, with so many men in Israel having the name YONI, if they know what it means in Sanskrit - a language even older than yours.

In Sanskrit, YONI is a respectful and sacred name for the female genitals, so perhaps YONI does not so much mean "Gift from God" but "Gift from the Goddess" !?

Now if you look for YONI on the Internet, half of what you get is Israeli men, and the other half are discussions about the female YONI - the vulva, the cunt ... you surely know what I mean.

So when I recently found and advertisement from a hotel in Eilat - saying Yoni - Hairdresser ... what do you think the world at large will think about this?

Perhaps a good reason for all the Israeli YONI men to rename themselves either "Jehonatan" or "Jonathan" or "Yona" ?

Just to let you know ...


Rufus C. Camphausen
(author of "THE YONI")


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