Ramble, Ramble, Ramble
Man, that Q&A session was fun but a lot of work! Perhaps it was because I decided to be an over-achiever and post photos with all my answers. My answers included everything from my failed first love to my favorite color.
Pop Quiz: What is my favorite color? Just want to make sure you read at least some of it b/c that ish took a lot of time. Well anyway, those who chose to read it have learned a lot about me, scary as that is... My brain is loosely connected and so it brings me to my next point: I take my camera everywhere and it would be a hell of a lot easier if it were a wee bit smaller. That sexy piece of work is the solution to my problem. Since I'm living the life of a poor college student and my Dad doesn't read my blog, I am going to have to come up with creative ways to get it. Target: my birthday. That gives me nearly 2 months to get my point across. My first few ideas have been less than subtle: "Gee Dad, a $400 dollar gift certificate to Best Buy suuuure would be nice.", "I want a new camera and I think you should buy it for me.", "I am going to cry and whine until I get this camera - understood?". I'm going to have to work on this... Today, I went to the MVA to renew my registration. I expected a two hour ordeal like every other trip to the MVA. I brought a backpack full of study materials to keep me busy. I'm not even half way through my first set of note cards when my number is called. I prepare myself for being told I just waited in the wrong line for twenty minutes. I was all ready to make a scene as I was handed a new number. Can you believe I waited in the correct line and my registration was renewed in less than five minutes? Talk about disappointment. What do you mean that's it? But I was all ready to take out my frustrations. I brought in all these study materials. Is nothing sacred anymore?! Now I have nothing to bitch about - thanks a lot MVA. After the MVA was my chance to bitch: I went to my old job to pick up my last check. "Please don't quit, we can make things better for you." Whaaaat?! I've worked here since May and now that I quit in a furry of cuss words, you want to make things better for me?! Ok, let me think a minute . . . HELL NO! I quit! Ha ha ha ha! (same evil laugh as before) Actually, that wasn't a chance to bitch at all - that was a chance to gloat. The two are so easily confused... Okay, this next one has no connection at all, but it has been on my mind so I thought I'd share. Inspired by my recent backpacking trip, I decided I need to get back into shape. In response, I have been working out every day this week. Well okay, maybe not every day. Yesterday, I went to a buffet with my brother instead. But hell, shoveling all that food in my face was workout enough. Then I went to a friend's house and threw back a few beers. As far as I'm concerned, opening those cans counts as a workout too. Anyhoo, back to my point (yes I have one): my dog is pissing me off! After running, I'm wheezing and crawling and this little fucker is jumping up and down trying to play! Did you not just run the same distance I did? What the hell is wrong with you?! THEN, he has the nerve to sit right next to me when we get back home. That's what I thought - he IS mocking me. Just remember who fills your food bowl buddy... Now, to my next loosely connected thought: I found a sparrow on my deck this morning. It just sat there, so I knew something was wrong. I picked it up but didn't find any obvious signs of injury. That is one lucky little bird because I hardly ever look before letting Trek out in the yard. I've had to bury my share of less fortunate birdies in the past. Well, this whole experience gave me another reason to hate Bel Air. I look in the yellow pages for a local wildlife refuge - there is none. So I call the humane society. They give me the number of a company that will charge me $100 to remove it. And exactly where are you removing it to? Let me get this straight, I give you $100 for you to remove and destroy a bird that my dog could take care of for free? Well they can kiss Trek's black and white ass - I'm often gullible but I'm not stupid! So I moved the bird to a bush out of Trek's reach. What if it were an endangered hawk that was injured? I'd have to pay 100 bucks for you to kill that too?! I bet if it were a cow or something they'd save it - I hate Bel Air. Okay, clearly I should not be blogging right now. Have a good weekend all! Smiley for the Day: ![]() |
Heads Turned for: "Ramble, Ramble, Ramble"
That camera is HOTT! I tired to get my Dad to replace the one I (drunkenly) lost-all I got was a $50 to Best Buy. Not exactly enough . . .
Let me know how that works out.
BTW-green (and I didn't have to look back!)
Now seeing Trek with his tongue out and knowing that you all had just finished running was funny. Was he mocking you>?That was so funny to me.....I guess because I probably would have been panting too...
Chewing is a form of a workout...for your mouth that is...LOL:)
Going to bed now...gotta go to work:(
Be Safe sweetie:)
Awwwww, such a cute doggie.
I'm trying to work out every day too, but I find that if I don't get my workout in the morning, I'm not very likely to get it at all.
Jeni Angel:
Well, if you come up with a clever scheme for getting the camera - let me know how you did it!
Correct! Thanks for noticing :)
Go ahead with your bad self! Have fun!!
Girl, you don't know - running is kicking my butt!!
Correct!!! Oh yeah, chewing AND shoveling - that was a heck of a workout! ;)
Professor Spex:
Thanks! I'm more of a late afternoon/early evening exerciser myself. But yeah, I find if you don't do it at a specific time each day, it doesn't get done.