Sunday, September 11, 2005

Today has been one of reflection.

I am having a really hard time getting my thoughts together. I am starting this blog entry without a clear sense of the direction it will take. I know I need to write so I am going to take my time doing it and just see what I come up with. Bare with me.
I'll start with my weekend: started great and ended badly. Start: I was able to spend a lot of quality time with Stephanie this weekend. We did lots of talking, washed our cars, and attended a bonfire in the middle of Baltimore City. Good times. End: Yoni - enough said. Additionally, the actions of "friends" knocked the scab off an already painful matter and busted it wide open. Their actions hurt me and someone else. Bad times.
I have been spending a lot of time reflecting on recent years trying to pin point specific areas of my life that need to change. I began this blog nearly a year ago to help me deal with the most difficult decision of my entire life: the decision to end my engagement with Yoni. I couldn't deal with the hurt, the confusion, and the pressure all at once. I needed an outlet, a safe place. I found that in blogging and I'm glad I did. Looking over past posts helps me to remember where I've been and realize I have so much further to go. I am able to examine my thoughts and actions b/c they are catalogued here on this blog. My conclusion? I need to start doing things differently. Not tomorrow or the next day, but RIGHT NOW. Clearly, I have been going about the last couple years of my life all wrong. I am unhappy 50% of the time and that is just too damn much. I made a list at the beginning of the year of some of the things I need to do. Sadly, I can only check a couple off the list. There is a saying that says, 'doing the same thing and expecting a different result is a sign of insanity'. I am insane. Nothing is going to change if I don't do anything about it. I realize that. I was off to a great start at the beginning of the year: getting involved in lots of new social experiences, going out with friends often, engaging in the physical activities I enjoy, moving out of an unhealthy environment, ect. I have since lost momentum. I am emotionally exhausted and am feeling the same way I have felt so many times before. Things are going to change.

Heads Turned for: "Today has been one of reflection."


Blogger Friar Tuck said ... (10:35 PM) : 

You seem to be in a funk lately. I hope you feel better soon.


Blogger princessdominique said ... (3:26 PM) : 

I know the feeling. There is too much going on in this world. I also wanted to let you know I've moved my blog. I'll link you over there.


Blogger Rose said ... (12:02 AM) : 

Hopefully things will change in a positive way for you soon...


Blogger Brea said ... (1:58 PM) : 

Don Juan de Bubba:
I'm starting to irritate myself!!

Princess Dominique:
I have your new site bookmarked. Thanks for letting me know.



Blogger Brotha Buck said ... (9:22 AM) : 

Oh wow, no you are not insane. You actually are very just plain human. We are all guilty of living up to our own expectations. Just keep trying. some dont even try.


Blogger Brea said ... (9:07 AM) : 

Brotha Buck:
It is funny - but that is the same thing I would say to someone else. Problem is, it is me we are talking about. I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Thanks for the kind words.


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