Thursday, September 22, 2005

Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!!!

Ok, no lions . . . .

no tigers either. . . .


just bears.

I'm referring to my backpacking trip this weekend. Fortunately, you'll only find black bears here on the east coast. They are easily frightened by acting crazy and making lots of noise - the one thing I'm really good at :) Ah yes, tomorrow night, I'll be sleeping under the stars. Clearly, judging by my last post, I need the renewal that only time surrounded by nature can provide. With all the organizing and cleaning I've been doing the last few days, the timing couldn't have been better . I'll come back a new woman - I can't wait!!!

As I finish up things around the house and head out into the woods, I'll leave you with this fun activity I've seen around blogland:

  • Ask me 3 questions. Any 3, no matter how personal, private or random.
  • I have to answer them honestly. I have to answer them all.

**No anonymous posters on this one**

Be creative and have entertaining questions awaiting me when I get back! Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Smiley for the Day:

Heads Turned for: "Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!!!"


Blogger Friar Tuck said ... (12:43 PM) : 

First of all, are you really sleeping under the stars or do you have a tent?

What can you tell us about the town you live in?

And I will save the third question for later.


Blogger MZPEACH said ... (3:00 PM) : 

what is your ethinic background?

Why did you and your ex break-up?

What is your favorite color?


Blogger Hasan Mubarak said ... (5:15 PM) : 

Hi there!

Ihave two questions for you, which I think, will be interesting enough for you...

Q:1. If you went into the woods and a Bear asks you for a moonlit, fish BBQ date by the stream, would you go with it?

Q:2. What proportion of the whole population of Maryland, USA is married?

I'll be seriously looking forward to your answers...

Have a great Woody Wood trip!


Blogger Didi Roby said ... (6:09 PM) : 

This is cool girly...I might robb this idea:)

Let's see...

Uno. What keeps you up at night?

Dos. Where is your heart right now?

Tres. Do you ever want to get married and have children?

Ooooo weeeeee I can't wait to see the answers to all the q's:)


Blogger Rose said ... (10:10 PM) : 

I am terrified of bears and camping. Three things. Here I go:
1. Did your parents like your finace'?
2. What did your brother say when you told him that you were through with your ex, was he happy because he thought he wasn't good enough for you anyway?
3. What would you say if he apologized and got on his knees and begged you to take him back?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:56 AM) : 

Hasan's first question was hilarious! =D

Anyway, here are mine:
1) Since I only "got to know" you through a few entries, I barely know much about you. What type of music do you enjoy?
2) What's your favourite movie of all time?
3) Starting right now, and in sequence, what are the first three animals that come up in your head?

That's it for now! I'll return when I have more. =) Take care!


Blogger Brotha Buck said ... (10:49 AM) : 

1. Whats the story behind that big hat you're wearing, although you do look cute in it.

2. What is your least favorite novel and why?

3. What happened with you and that bar guy?


Blogger Leesa said ... (11:30 AM) : 

My three questions:

1. Did you bring a roll of TP with you?
2. If you see an article of clothing in the woods, do you think about the events that lead to the article of clothing being left in the woods?
3. Did you come back with all of your articles of clothing?


Blogger ManNMotion said ... (9:47 PM) : 

1. If you could be doing anything, and I mean anything, with your life right now, what would it be?

2. What things would you have to do to make #1 happen?

3. So, what do you think?


Blogger S A J Shirazi said ... (12:12 AM) : 

Here are my questions:

Who are you? The answer needs what is not already in the blog)

How did you build such a functional sidebar on blogger?

How do you like your Coffee?


Blogger princessdominique said ... (8:40 AM) : 

Ummm, no question, but that's wayyyyyyyyyyyy too close to that bear!


Blogger Edz said ... (12:40 PM) : 

hey, thanx for your comments and support...
wish you enjoyed the camping and that you are a new woman now. sometimes, a little change is the best option.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:12 PM) : 

Damn i miss that life... out in the open, naked to nature's 8 legged creatures, blind to the stars, and cleaning my butt with a banana leaf after taking a ****. Oh wait, i havn't done it yet! I miss not having ever done it before =(

Ok 3 questions, huh?

1) Do u shave ure armpits?
2) Ever fancied another lass?
3) Do u prefer to fart in private or public?

I tried to keep em clean.. nudge, nudge


Blogger Brea said ... (9:55 PM) : 

Little Princess:

Princess Dominique:
I know right!!! Thank goodness for zoom lenses. Sorry you decided not to play - but looks like I have plenty of questions to answer!

When you are unhappy, change is always good :)

To everyone else:
I have a couple of school assignments taking priority right now, but I will get you the answers to your questions as soon as I can!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:22 PM) : 

I won't ask you for questions now. You seem to like the nature should just come out to the west of the States and you'll find amazing things! Stop by at my blog again and maybe you start to like Bryce Canyon National Park as well ;-)


Blogger Brea said ... (1:57 PM) : 

After graduation, I am planning on driving across country. I will definitely be working in National Parks as much as possible. The descriptions of you trip have been fun to read!


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