Monday, January 16, 2006

Not just a day off...

Heads Turned for: "Not just a day off..."


Blogger Drea Inspired said ... (3:13 PM) : 

do you watch boondocks?

last night's episode was about what Dr. King would think of the state of the black community and the nation as a whole if he were still alive...

Anyway, I know many people are doing community service today in honor of MLK day, but I'm admittedly lazy. Enjoy your day.


Blogger Stacy-Deanne said ... (6:20 PM) : 

Don't hate me but I actually woke up today and didn't remember it was MLK day until I thought about the mail not coming. I've had so much on my mind lately. I've been so busy sometimes I'm trapped in my own little world and only think about what I have to do. The holidays knocked me off balance and I have yet to recover, LOL!


Blogger brooklyn babe said ... (6:51 PM) : 

acutally its a honored day... off, that we would never ever come.
Funny now how part of Martin's family want to sell that legacy...
sad too.


Blogger Fahd Mirza said ... (12:08 AM) : 

very graceful indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:43 AM) : 

Now there is an honourable person =)


Blogger Brotha Buck said ... (11:28 AM) : 

So great, we must never forget.


Blogger AsianSmiles said ... (11:31 PM) : 

Ah.. he always reminds me that no obstacle is too great or too fearsome for someone who is doing the right thing.

Welcome back BB. Missed ya!


Blogger princessdominique said ... (8:30 AM) : 

Happy New Year Brea! I must commend you on the photo. I've seen so many great photos of King all over the internet. You're right, its not just a day off...its much more than that.


Blogger Rell said ... (1:41 PM) : 

it's really not but that's what it has turned into for a great deal of people.


Blogger Waddie G. said ... (2:22 PM) : 

I agree.


Blogger Ms.Honey said ... (3:53 PM) : 

I concur. I loved sleeping late but I had to remember why I even have the job I have


Blogger Stephen A. Bess said ... (3:58 PM) : 

Brea, long time no see. There so much I admire about this man. I had a chance to do the tour in ATL. They have so many details about his life down to the cologne that he wore, Aramis.


Blogger Tha BossMack TopSoil said ... (4:06 PM) : 

Hello Brea, it's been a minute.


Blogger feels good b n FREE said ... (5:41 PM) : 

that's so tru

"lest we forget"


Blogger Unknown said ... (6:35 PM) : 

A picture of a HERO.


Blogger crallspace said ... (1:51 AM) : 

When I heard him on various recordings throughout the MLK holiday, I raised my fist in support, and gave that close-lipped smile/ look of approval, while the head tilts slightly. Know what I mean?

He was a hero. I'm very thankful for his influence in our history.

What would he think if he knew Bush was showing up at MLK parties? That was such a joke. That's like an Atheist going to a pope's memorial.


Blogger kathi said ... (7:36 AM) : 

When I was pregnant with Charlie, I sat watching the I've Got a Dream series I'd gotten from the library, and sat praying with my hand on my belly the entire time that Charlie would have that kind of conviction to serve others. He never fails to amaze me with the way he accepts and encourages all people. The only trouble he's ever been in is standing up for people who can't stand up for themselves. He has a framed picture of MLK in his room and one on his desk.
I thank God daily for MLK and men like him.


Blogger nosthegametoo said ... (12:55 PM) : 

It's amazing how some things are powerful enough to speak for themselves.


Blogger Deb Sistrunk Nelson said ... (8:51 PM) : 

I love this photo.


Blogger Meadow said ... (2:00 PM) : 

Amen to that, sis.


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