Woot Woot!!
Guess what has been added to the dictionary. woot (interj): an exclamation of joy or excitement Glad to see my new saying is recognized :) Smiley for the Day: ![]() |
Guess what has been added to the dictionary. woot (interj): an exclamation of joy or excitement Glad to see my new saying is recognized :) Smiley for the Day: ![]() |
First the alarm goes off but you didn't hear it - and if you did, you certainly don't remember it. Then you wake up like a lightning bolt - an hour later than you needed to. A beautiful start to a beautiful day. Never made my class this morning. Wonderful. Missing a day of a summer course is like missing three or four days of a regular semester. Lovely. All wasn't lost, I needed the extra sleep. Why? Because of selfish people. A girl at work needed someone to fill in for her for part of her shift last night. I said I would - she doesn't show up at work until 11:30pm!!! I was so pissed, I didn't even speak to her. Do people think the world revolves around them or do they just not care? Here I am doing YOU a favor and you show up late?!!! REALLY LATE!! I couldn't believe it - I hardly even know this girl! Grrrrr. . . When I finally crawled out of bed - it was rainy and gloomy again. Lovely. I ate breakfast, checked e-mail and then got in the shower. You'd think I'd AT LEAST be able to enjoy my shower. Nope! I get in, turn it as hot as I can stand and soap up. Then the water shuts off. OFF!!! What the hell? Turns out the water heater needed to be repaired and no one bothered to tell me. Turns out we wouldn't have water for two hours in the middle of the day. Just in time for MY shower! Now I am covered in soap remind you; the shampoo is dripping in my eyes. So to make a long, sad story short - I ended up rinsing off with freezing cold bottled water. I'm sure as I sit here and type this, there is a soap film covering my body b/c I could only stand so much. After recovering from the hypothermia - I got dressed and headed to school for a meeting. Got stuck behind farm equipment half the way. Great. Thanks to my race car driving skills and the open back roads, I managed to make my meeting on time. Now I'm at the library blogging before my class at 4pm. I am scared to find out what the rest of the day will hold. Needless to say, I'm going to bed early tonight. Smiley for the Day: ![]() |
Posted by Hello "just lay yourself on the line and i might lay myself down by you " -Ani DiFranco |
It's cold, rainy and gloomy outside, but I don't really care. I'm sipping my Cappuccino in my pajamas. I'm free!! Exams are over! Woot woot! Summer session starts Monday *sigh* Oh well, I'll enjoy my freedom - no matter how short lived it may be. After my final on Wednesday, Debbie and I hit the flowermart in Mt. Vernon (my new home? more on that later). It was lots o' fun. Flowers, art, crafts, singing performances, inflatable bunnies, bee costumes, halos, weird people, nice people, and . . . After the flowermart, Debbie gave me a journal she had been keeping about our friendship - it was so touching. I am so lucky to have such an awesome friend. It is so nice to have someone in my life that I can connect with, who knows and loves me the way I am. We talk a lot about relationships. It seems most people prefer or are only capable of surface relationships. I'm not sure exactly how it goes, but there is the familiar saying about feeling lonely in a crowded room. I'm sure everyone has had that experience at one point or another. I’m sick of it. I ended so many of these “friendships” at the beggining of the year. I'm not sure if it is a sadness or a loneliness that I’m left with. It's probably a bit of both. But finally, things are looking up. I have Debbie, my brother and I’m investing in two new friendships: Stephanie and Joel. I guess it is just another transitional stage in my life where it is hard to go through but amazing to look back on. Of course the day wasn’t without its storm cloud. We came back to my car with a flat tire. Lovely. Not knowing how to change a tire and not having a jack even if I did, I had to call AAA to come to the rescue. I hate being a helpless girl. I’ll add that to my to do list: learn how to change a tire. Thursday Stephanie had a sushi making party: I don’t particularly care for sushi, but hands on food prep is always fun! Stephanie is a terrific hostess and I love spending time with her. Her house is amazing. It's in Fells Point. It's a restoration with exposed brick and hardwood flooring and stairsways. To top it off she has an awesome, artsy decorating style. *jealous* More flowermart pics and sushi making pics on Flickr. Today: I am going to continue my laziness, maybe do a little cleaning and then head to work. If it stops raining, I’ll go out for a bit after work. If not, the laziness will continue. Saturday: my brother’s graduation!!! Sunday: Levern makes me crabs!!! Monday: school starts back up *sigh* Have a good weekend all!! Ani DiFranco for the Day: "i'm singing now because my tear ducts are too tired and my mind is disconnected but my heart is wired i make such a good statistic someone should study me now somebody's got to be interested in how i feel just 'cause i'm here and i'm real " |
The part of the semester I have been dreading is here: finals started today. I will be taking a “blogging break” to concentrate on exams. My last one is Wednesday morning. Pray for me, think about me, wish me luck, meditate for me, send good thoughts or whatever else it is you do – I’m gonna need all of it! Smiley for the Day: ![]() |
but the grooming appointment went well. No phone calls: "Lady come get this crazy beast!" "That will be $30 plus medical bills and lawyer fees - we'll mail you a bill." "Don't EVER bring him back!" "Was he born crazy or did YOU make him that way?" My dog came from a rescue group and he's, well, special. He's been seeing the same groomer since I got him. I have been putting off finding a new one since we moved b/c I didn't want to receive one of the above embarrassing phone calls. He was kicked out of Doggy Day Care last year. THAT was embarrassing. I was in a meeting and the receptionist interrupts with an important phone call: "Ms. Robinson, hello, this is the Coventry School. Trek had a rather concerning incident today. He was quite aggressive with another dog over a tennis ball. We put him in time-out but he again showed the same behavior after lunch. We know that he has shown excellent behavior over the last few months. However, with him being as large as he is (he’s 93 lbs), we had a difficult time getting him under control. We fear for the safety of our staff and the other dogs. We are sorry but we are going to have to give him a 90 day break. He can be re-evaluated after that time. He will remain in the kennel until you are able to come get him." My co-workers found it to be quite hilarious. Me - not so much. So I left work early to go get him and decided to save the remnants of my dignity and not bring him back for the 90 day evaluation. There will be no more Doggy Day Care. So anyway, when I went to pick him up from the new groomer she was ranting and raving about what a neat dog he is. Me: "No, I'm here to pick up Trek". Groomer: "I know, he was great." Me: "Ummm - okayyyy - uh - thank you." I know you were just dying to hear this story. You are quite welcome ;0) Trek just back from the groomer. |
As you know, the relationship with my mother is strained to put it lightly. One minute she loves me, the next I'm the worse person to have ever walked the face of the Earth. Repeat that for my Dad and brother. She has single-handedly managed to make my entire family miserable over the years. This has been by far, the worst year yet. Fortunately for her, my Dad doesn’t believe in divorce and my brother and I don’t believe in violence. I try to attribute her behavior to her mental illness but often my emotions get in the way. It is hard to have any compassion for a woman who never takes any responsibility and refuses to get help. It pisses me off the way my Dad jumps through hoops to try to make her happy. I try to tell him that no matter what he says or does, it will never be enough - she needs professional help. He's been bending over backwards and sideways for over 18 years - hasn't helped yet! It's so frustrating and things have gotten progressively worse. This year, she missed my brother's family entry in the year book, his senior banner, his prom, and now she doesn't want to have a graduation party for him because she is unhappy. Selfish bitch (sorry, there is no nice way to say it). Fine, she's sick. Okay. Pass the responsibility - I would have been more than happy to make sure our family entry was submitted in time. She said she would handle it. Fine - then handle it. I even gave her the picture and my part of the entry at the very beginning of the school year. Three months is more than enough time. Excuses. Then there was the senior banner. Excuses. Going out of town on the day of his prom - she didn't even come to help pick out his tux. Excuses. I hate excuses. There is no excuse. Then we have the graduation in less than 2 weeks and the invitations haven't even been mailed and she's bitching that my Dad wants to have a party afterwards. You know, she doesn't even need to be there - she can just go shopping and spend hundreds of dollars like she does every other day. We'd have more fun without her anyway! My Dad and I did an excel spreadsheet of all the addresses and names. She's a stay-at-home mom and all she has to do is a mail merge and stamp the damn envelopes. We would do it - but I've got finals coming up and a job - my Dad works 60 hour weeks as it is - my brother works, goes to school and plays sports. She has all freaking day - be a mother and stop being so damn selfish. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Sad thing is we'll probably end up doing it after all. I'm trying not to hate her. I'm not even going to get into the way she treats us - I'm pissed as it is. Yeah, so shopping for a Mother's Day card was fun. I bought the most generic one I could find. I shouldn't have even wasted the $4 because when my brother and I gave her the cards, she said thank you out the side of her mouth and didn't even read them. Lord, if I am ever anything remotely like her, just put me out of my misery(and everyone elses). I think I'll just white-out Mother's Day on my calendar next year. That being said, my brother and I decided to let her ruin her own day - we were going to enjoy the food! Can we say all-you-can-eat? I think we can.
It was a beautiful sunny day with a nice breeze. We were enjoying the weather and each others company. Then it happened. We're chatting it up and I noticed something dark on her face. I'm thinking, maybe a leaf or something fell from the trees. Yeah well, then it starts moving! It was a spider! My eyes popped out of my head and it took me a minute to form the words to tell her. She casually says, "Oh, really?” Ummmm, yeah really!!! Then she leans forward for me to get it off. I am totally confused and terrified all at the same time. Ok, there is a spider on your face and you are calm. What's that all about? If that were me, I would have jumped off the deck and started to stop, drop, and roll. Now, you want me to get it off?! How? You want me to touch it? Ok, get it together, you would die for Debbie - you can tackle the spider. Get a hold of yourself. So I pulled myself together and brushed it off. I felt a sigh of relief and accomplishment - I had just conquered the spider. That was immediately followed by shear panic. Where is it? Where is the spider? Oh my God, is it on me?! So I jump out of the chair, looking around like a mouse cornered by an alley cat. I spotted it. Yes, I know it is one of God's creatures, but that sucker had to die! And die it did. I was completely paranoid the rest of the afternoon. Every time the breeze brushed my arms I'd jump and my necklace scared me a few times as well. Then I noticed there are like five more spiders all over the deck furniture. Is this a nightmare? What have I done to deserve this?! Fortunately, they all stayed away and so spared their lives. Yikes! Did I mention I am terrified of spiders? Give me snakes, mountain lions, bears . . . just nothing with eight legs. Quite a day. Smiley for the Day: |
I know you have missed my posts this week. I’m back now - you can wipe the tears. I had an interesting week but I am far too lazy to write about it. Right now, my thoughts are all jumbled and trying to compose a cohesive entry would require time and energy that I'm just not willing to spend. That was a long sentence. I will, however, share the randomness that is filling my head. I hate school. I made a grooming appointment for Trek – hope he doesn’t eat the groomer. People are funny. Stephanie is awesome. The more I get to know her – the more I like her - that’s a good thing – doesn’t happen often. Friday night sloppiness - I will provide no further explanation. Sorry, no photos either. I finally finished unpacking - shut up. My goal of getting a Brazilian Bikini Wax has created some buzz - makes me smile - thought I'd share. I’m still pissed off about this fucking hair cut. My brother is graduating in 2 weeks – I feel old. My friends think I’m going to be chopped up in little pieces – that freaks me out. Don’t ask. People are introducing me to new music – how awesome is that?! Yes, Bel Air still sucks. I hate when stuff in the back of the fridge freezes - microwaved antipasto doesn't taste good. It’s hard to buy a Mother’s Day card when you are pissed off at your mother. I fucking hate spiders. The water temperature needs to rise - NOW. I love food - I should start running. Thank God for e-mail – get in touch - stay in touch. Not missing Yoni feels incredible - thanks Joel. Still anxious about seeing him though . . . I lost 3 pounds – not sure how – but I’ll take it. Reminiscing is fun. I’m abrasive (had to be there). Some risks are worth taking - I want to go camping. Levern is making me Maryland crabs after school lets out – I love him. I feel sorry for my Dad. I usually keep my text books - not after this semester - I think I'll sell them instead of burning them - can never have too much cash. Had lunch with Sally - I don’t miss PJC one bit. Apparently there has been a mass exodus - I feel sorry for everyone still stuck there. Debbie is coming to visit soon – that makes me happy. We are having weekly dinner dates – that makes me happier. An imagination is a terrible thing to waste. My closet has way too much black, white, brown and beige – I must remedy that. I need to paint more. I need to sleep more. I need to eat less. Thank God for note cards. Sometimes progress is slow - often patience is the real lesson to be learned. Dr. McKenna thinks the world of me – I think she is quite awesome too. Traffic sucks - people can’t drive – people are too damn nosy. I’ve discovered a new way to show appreciation for good friendships - started sending short e-mails to friends after enjoying time spent with them - good response so far. Nope, still not sick of Ani - I need to get her new album before the concert. Trek is the cutest dog on Earth – I don’t care that I spoil him or take too many pictures of him - so shut up. My professors this semester have been really awesome – I still hate school. Hopefully, that cleared enough room for more crap. Smiley for the Day: ![]() |